Nice Day Positive Quotes for a working day

Nice Day Positive Quotes for a working day
Nice Day Positive Quotes for a working day
You have successfully reached to this nice day
that comes loaded with the blessing of God
that will be with you all day,
do your best to get what you planned,
take on challenges.

Today is a for making the difference
between those who always do the same and
those like you who do the same work
but looking for ways to do it better willing  
to set a good example in everything.

Whatever your hand finds to do,
do it with all your might,
in a positive way, with a cheerful spirit,
with a view to improving because
God blesses a cheerful giver,
the giver of good work, good service,
good speech, good example.
Mery Bracho

Nice Day Positive Quotes for a working day, christian motivational quotes by Mery Bracho.