Quotes about having a New Day

Quotes about have a New Day. Free motivational image with quotes. Mery Bracho's quotes.
Quotes about having a New Day
Here is your new day,
a whole day for you to live it
being happy.

Enjoy life with joy,
bless others giving out of what you
have receive it
and ask God to help you to live joyful.

Today is a blessed day,
that may you see things in a positive way,
with joy in your heart,
with a good disposition,
enjoying the time you have.

Have a nice day, open your eyes to see
all the blessings that God is giving you.

Quotes about have a New Day. Free motivational image with quotes. Mery Bracho's quotes.
Quotes about have a New Day. Free motivational image with quotes. Mery Bracho's quotes.