Free Christian Quotes about Peace

Bible verse about Peace of Jesus, peace of mind, free christian card, christian image quotes,  Mery Bracho
Free Christian Quotes about Peace
Peace I leave with you.
My peace I give to you.
I do not give peace
to you as the world gives.
Do not let your
hearts be troubled or afraid.
John 14:27

This peace that Jesus gives you
has courage,  confidence and
complete dependence on the promise
that he is with you,
it’s peace in the midst of storms,
there when you go through trials,
when you give steps of faith,
when you do not look back
when you decide to pray
and rest rather than fill the thoughts
of worry and anxiety.

Bible verse about Peace of Jesus, peace of mind, free christian card, christian image quotes,  Mery Bracho
Bible verse about Peace of Jesus, peace of mind, free christian card, christian image quotes, Mery Bracho. Christian promise about peace.